
6年前 427次浏览 澳洲代写留学生作业:哲学和伦理已关闭评论

在阅读诺曼·库彻(Norman Kutcher) 2000年发表的一篇题为《第五种关系:儒家背景下危险的友谊》(The Fifth Relationship: Dangerous friendship in The confucianism)的关于友谊的文章时,我被留下了几个问题。在库彻(2000)的文章中,友谊因为其成员的独特性和性质而被定义并与其他关系分离。他认为,友谊是一种不稳定的关系,可能会颠覆国家和家庭关系(其他四种关系)中的等级制度。然而,他的论点给我留下了几个关于这个话题的问题。我想更好地理解儒家思想中个人的角色和人的概念,看看这与人际关系和人类在这些关系中的行为有什么关系。我也想理解并牢牢把握关系和友谊的概念,特别是儒家对关系和友谊的定义。此外,我还想深入了解关系在一个男人成长和成熟过程中的重要性,友谊究竟是一种真正需要和需要的东西,还是像库彻(2000)在他的文章中所说的只是一种自愿的东西。这些担忧让我开始研究儒家思想的历史,儒家思想中关于人际关系的概念和信念,以及友谊对成长和成熟的重要性和作用。通过我的研究,我发现了以下三个学术来源。第一篇文章是斯科特·莫顿(Scott Morton, 1971)关于儒家思想中人的构成和人的概念的“儒家的人的概念:原始的提法”。莫顿首先介绍了中国哲学的开端,以及他们对建立人类行为的伦理框架的兴趣。在中国哲学,尤其是儒家哲学中,很难区分哲学和伦理。


Upon reading Norman Kutcher’s (2000) article on friendships titled, “The Fifth Relationship: Dangerous Friendships in the Confucian Context”, I was left with several questions. In Kutcher’s (2000) article, friendship was defined and separated from the other relationships because of its uniqueness of its members and nature. He argues that friendship is an unstable relationship that could potentially upset the hierarchy in state and family relations (the other four relationships). However, his argument left me with several questions about the topic. I wanted to be better understand the role of the individual and the concept of man in Confucian thought to see how this related to relationships and human conduct in these relationships. I also wanted to comprehend and firmly grasp the ideas of relationships and friendships, in particular, its definition in Confucian terms. In addition, I also wanted to comprehend, in depth the importance of relationships in the growth and maturity of a man, whether friendship was something that was actually needed and required or just something voluntary as Kutcher (2000) argued in his essay. These concerns led me to research on the history of Confucian thought, the concepts and its beliefs on relationships, and the importance and role friendships played on growth and maturity. Through my research, I came across the following three academic sources.The first article is titled “The Confucian Concept of Man: the original formulation” about the formulation of man and the concept of man in Confucian thought by Scott Morton (1971). Morton begins by introducing the beginning of Chinese philosophy and their interest in the creation of an ethical framework for human conduct. In Chinese philosophy, especially Confucianism, it is difficult to differentiate between philosophy and ethics.

