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现实主义:这是一种哲学的方法,它是基于一个现实存在,是独立于人类的思想和信仰。它持有实证主义和科学问题的许多想法,“什么是”被认为是可以接受的知识。在现实中,该方法假设数据开发的科学方法和支撑数据和这些数据的理解集合。(桑德斯et al.,2007,P105)。现实主义有两种类型,即批判现实主义和直接现实主义。直接现实主义是研究者通过他的感觉的经验,准确地代表世界。在批判现实主义中,研究者所体验的是现实世界中的事物的感觉和形象,而不是真实的东西。如果您在南澳需要学习难题或没空写论文作业,可以使用我们的 阿德莱德论文代写服务


Saunders et al. (2007) mentions that research philosophy depends on the way you think about the development of knowledge. It is the first layer in the research onion proposed by them. According to them, there are three approaches to research philosophy. They are epistemology, ontology and axiology. Epistemology constitutes with the acceptable knowledge in the field of study; ontology is concerned with nature of reality where as axiology studies about the researcher's value in all stage of research process.

They argue that the choice of philosophy depends on the research question posed and the researcher feels that the approach that has to be used is Epistemology. Jancowickz (2000) mentioned epistemology as personal theory of knowing and what researcher feels as knowledge, what he counts as evidence and proof and what he does not.

Saunders et al. (2007) mentioned that there are three epistemological positions namely, positivism, interpretivism, and realism.

Positivism: Saunders et al. (2007) mentions that if research philosophy reflects the principles of positivism, then we will probably adopt the philosophical stance of a natural scientist. According to Bryman & Bell (2007) positivism is an epistemological position that advocates the application of methods of natural sciences to study of social reality and beyond. Reilly (2006) defined positivism as a belief that only true knowledge is scientific in character, describing interrelationships between real and observable phenomena.

Interpretivism: This is a philosophy where researcher be critical of positivism and argue that rich insights, into complex world are lost if such complexity is reduced entirely to a series of law like generations. It also emphasises on the difference between conducting a research among people rather than tangible objects.

Realism: This is a philosophical approach which is based on that a reality exists that is independent of human thoughts and beliefs. It holds many thoughts from positivism and it scientifically questions 'what is' regarded as acceptable knowledge. In realism, the approach assumes a scientific approach to the development of data and underpins the collection of data and understanding of those data. (Saunders et al., 2007, p105). There are two types of realism namely critical realism and direct realism. Direct realism is what the researcher experience through his senses represents the world accurately. In critical realism, what the researcher experiences are sensations and images of the things in the real world, but not the real thing.

