
8年前 386次浏览 澳大利亚圣母大学论文代写:基督教视角下的基督教与佛教对比已关闭评论 , ,



佛教的实践和原则是建立在和平的美德、仁慈和智慧。佛法的基本信念之一是他们的信念和信仰,幸福人生的命运其实是可以通过人类的种族不论年龄、性别或社会地位的获得,(联网和Yandell,2009)。然而,基督教的基本信仰是建立在对救世主的信仰和对他作为救世主的信念的基础上的。幸福的生活,纯粹是那些走在公义和圣洁中的人的储备。根据圣经的原则,财富是不存在的。唯一的幸运的人是那些名字已经写在生命册上的人,通过相信上帝的独生子,Christ the Messiah,克服了罪恶的世界。因此,在基督教中,快乐的生活被认为是上帝的祝福,当他/她过着正义的生活。这样,基督教与佛教是不相容的(联网和Yandell,2009)。



The homogeneity in religious beliefs is characteristic of most societies in the entire world. This paper critically examines and explores the advent of Buddhism and its comparison with Christianity. It intends to explore these two forms of religion by discussing some of their fundamental beliefs and practices and their aspects that are incompatible. The outline of these differences should therefore enable one to distinguish Christianity from Buddhism.

The practices and principles of Buddhism are founded on such virtues as peacefulness, loving kindness and wisdom. Among the fundamental Buddhist's beliefs is their conviction and belief that a happy life full of fortunes is actually possible to attain by all humanity irrespective of ones age, race, gender or social status (Netland &Yandell, 2009). However, the fundamental beliefs in Christianity are purely founded on ones faith in the Messiah and ones conviction in Him as the savior. A happy life is purely the reserve of those who walk in the ways of righteousness and holiness. Fortune is not existent according to the biblical principles. The only fortunate people are those whose names have been written in the book of life having overcome the world of sin by believing in the only son of God, Christ the Messiah. Thus, in Christianity a happy life is considered a blessing from God that one enjoys when he/she lives a righteous life. Thus in this, Christianity remains incompatible with Buddhism (Netland & Yandell, 2009).

A close examination of some of the fundamental differences between Christianity and Buddhism revels that whereas Buddhism is founded on the principles of coolness and tolerance and that there exists certain truths in Buddhist doctrines, it is not compatible with the truths enshrined in Christianity (Archibald, 2009). The Buddhists do not believe in the existence of the almighty God. Therefore they do not have any discussions about rewards and punishments on the judgment day. However, Christianity and even contemporary science assert that there is actually one almighty God the creator of the heavens and the earth. According to Christianity, the God who created everything has absolute authority to administer justice to all people because he is a just God. Therefore, god punishes all injustice and sin because He is righteous and holy. Punishment and reward that is not outlined in Buddhism exists in Christianity and these are associated with judgment and accountability for ones sins (Netland &Yandell, 2009).

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