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Because inter-governmental organizations involve associations between governments at the international arena, it can be termed as an agent of globalization. There are different types of Inter-Governmental institutions, and they differ in functionality, membership criteria and the member themselves. Some inter-governmental organizations are formed for purposes of settling disputes, and lobbying for the enactment of various policies at a particular state.

For example, in the 1990s, the International Monetary Fund was responsible for pressuring third world states to liberalize their economies. Some Inter-Governmental organizations are formed for the main purpose of restoring and preserving peace. An example of such an institution is the Formation of the League of Nation, after the end of the First World War. The institution was formed to prevent an emergence of another war, similar to the magnitude of the First World War.

However, the institution failed to prevent the emergence of the Second World War. Because of this failure, the International community resolved to form the United Nations. One of the failures of the League of Nations is to attract United States of America as a member. United States refused to join the League of Nations, for purposes of protecting its sovereignty. The government of United States of America realized that joining the institution would amount to ceding some of its sovereign rights.

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