
6年前 319次浏览 澳洲阿德莱德论文代写:好领导的概念已关闭评论

整个人好领导的概念在本文中类似的观点Bartolome f·埃文斯添加p在《哈佛商业评论》书中“执行成功”,高管们能够保持平衡在他们私人的和专业的生活能够做得比其他高管,但不同的角度来看约翰阿戴尔的情境领导。本文关注的是工作中的关键利益相关者以及领导者生活的方方面面。这与文章“印度的领导力教训”的观点大相径庭。,其中文章提到了与员工一起工作,关注他们在公司内部的问题,给予他们重要性,而不仅仅是给予公司股东重要性。文章的主要优点是很容易理解和理解。这是一种结构化的方法,可以在我们的生活中产生可衡量的变化。它带读者通过各种简单的实验和实际的例子,如何成为一个成功的领导者在生活的所有领域。这篇文章所提出的例子和实验非常简单,任何人都可以在不成为学科专家的情况下进行尝试。本文着重从作者的整体视角来培养领导素质。我对这篇文章的唯一批评是它的方法。它提供了一系列简单的实验来创造你周围积极的变化。但实际上,情况要复杂得多。这篇文章没有考虑任何组织因素。如果能像作者建议的那样简单、容易地培养技能,那么每个人都将是一个好的领导者。


The concept of whole person as good leader in this article is similar to the view of Bartolome F. add Evans P. in the Harvard business review book "Executive success", that executives who are able to maintain balance in their private and professional life are able to do things better than the other executives, but different to the point of view of John Adair's situational leadership.This article gives importance to the key stakeholders in work as well as all aspects of leader's life. This is very different to the view of article "Leadership Lessons from India" (Cappelli, P., et al., 2010), where the article mentions working with employees and focusing on their issues within the company and giving them importance rather than giving importance to the company shareholders only.The articles main strength is that it is very easy to follow and understand. It is a structured approach to produce measurable changes in our life. It takes readers through, various simple experiments and practical examples on how to be a successful leader in all domains of life. The examples and experiment suggested by the article are so simple that anyone can try them without being a subject expert.This article emphasis on developing leadership qualities based on authors holistic perspective. The only criticism I have about this article is in its approach. It provides broad sets of simple experiments to create a positive change around you. But in reality, situations are more complex. The article does not take account of any organisational factors. If it is that simple and easy to develop skills as suggested by the author, then everyone will be a good leader.


