
6年前 317次浏览 澳洲阿德莱德论文代写:职业实践已关闭评论



To contrast, the basic and most important opportunity that made this project possible was the fact that I was looking for something to research. So, I went to the school where I did my practices of the career, and spoke to the director, proposing to do a research. Together we came up with this idea. Hence, my opportunity was the fact that there was a class, at the beginning of the school year, with a lack of motivation to study English. In turn, the school had the opportunity with me, to experiment a solution for this group that seemed to have motivational problems.Finally, the main threat of this research is related to the proposed activities. First of all, if students arrived home telling their parents that they had "played" in English class, without further explanations, parents may not have liked how it sounded, as they could think that the teacher is not teaching English properly. Furthermore, since this activity had to be repeated another session, the parents could have reasons for getting angry, if they misinterpreted their children when speaking about what they are doing in their English class.

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