
7年前 343次浏览 澳洲埃迪斯科文大学论文代写:陶氏化学已关闭评论






Dow Chemicals belive in making quality products for the welfare of their customers. Thus the companies quality performance is being excelled by adopting such strategies. The company is dedicated to be the leader in providing quality products and services which exceed the customer expectations.

Quality performance is a commitment to excellence by each Dow employee and it is achieved by team work and a process of continuous improvement. Quality amnagers play an important role by assuring that the company can produce and deliver quality prducts and services expected by its customers.

The three basic choices or focus of the firm is Cost leadership, Differentiation and Focus, which is explained Porter's generic strategy.

Cost leadership strategy in DOW chemical's: Cost is the main aspect in business. This strategy is based upon organising and managing the value adding activities of business, so that it will be low cost producer of goods and services within the industry. This strategy is adopted to gain a competitive advantage. There are many ways to achieve a cost leadership strategy in business, among them the two most important ways are as follows;


