
7年前 296次浏览 澳洲邦德大学论文代写:监督指导已关闭评论



This semester Person-Centered supervision guided my meetings/sessions with my graduate students. Initially, the most important factor to me was establishing trusting and comfortable relationships with my supervisee's. This was important because if my supervisee's did not find me as a trusting and reliable supervisor they would not have brought the many difficult problems/issues they were experiencing with their clients/patients and the many struggles and doubts they were experiencing in their own personal lives. I knew I established these bonds when I had many of my supervisee's in my office that disclosed many personal and intimate details in their personal lives that they felt was affecting them in their sessions with their clients. For example, I had a supervisee disclose that her mother was raped while in college and contracted an incurable sexually transmitted disease where this particular supervisee had a difficult time dealing with it within a group where woman disclosed sexual trauma at their practicum site. I also had a supervisee report that she felt that she was a member of the group versus a co-facilitator because she had been a victim of domestic violence and sexual trauma and she was amongst women like herself. Having established this trusting relationship and a safe environment allowed my supervisee's to feel comfortable and be honest to share these experiences that evoked many different and uncomfortable emotions. This allowed me as a Supervisor to provide empathy, understanding and warmth and use this time for them to explore and address these feelings and connect it to how it relates to their work with a particular population which is all congruent with the person-centered approach. In addition, this allowed me to use a teaching tool on professionalism and how to handle it, when in a situation and how to handle it appropriately and in a professional manner. I also was able to recommend my supervisee's to seek out personal counseling and the importance of self-care. I was able to utilize self-disclosure on my own personal experience with self-care and its importance not only for us but also to the profession.

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