
6年前 357次浏览 澳洲布里斯班代写作业:广泛的体验已关闭评论

Froebel的方法在今天仍然有效,可以为孩子们提供广泛的体验,并向他们灌输好奇心和兴趣,这种兴趣可以贯穿一生。尽管这些原则最初是多久以前制定出来的,但它们在今天仍然完全适用,也许因为它们与发展的核心方面有关,因此有必要改变方法。像gift 2这样的礼物(一个正方形、一个球体和一个圆柱体的三组积木)可以与杆子和弦一起移动,以提供多种交互的可能性。这些形式将孩子引入几何学,也允许在个人游戏中自由表达。“礼物2”是一种非常体现弗罗巴尔洞察力的形式,它被用来在他的坟墓上建造一个花岗岩建筑。今天有很多玩具都有类似的可能性,重要的是,孩子们都可以单独玩这些东西,而且父母们也可以和他们一起玩,以帮助他们进行综合游戏。Froebel思想中的一个关键要素是与自然和自然世界的互动。我记得我小时候在学校操场后面有一个野生花园,我们上课坐在那个区域学习植物以及它们如何从我们周围生长的植物中获得灵感。在目前的情况下,一些学校能够鼓励孩子在他们自己的学校花园。


Froebel's methods are still valid today and can provide children with a wide range of experiences and instil in them curiosity and interest that can be built upon throughout life. Despite how long ago these principles were first developed they are still fully appropriate today perhaps because they relate to the core aspects of development leaving room for the method to be varied as necessary.The gifts such as gift 2 (a set of 3 blocks one square, one sphere and one cylinder) can be moved together with rods and strings to provide multiple possibilities for interactions. These forms introduce the child to geometry and also allow for free expression within individual play. Gift 2 was a form that so embodied Froebal's insights that it was used to create a granite construction over his grave (Froebal webn.d.) [online].There are many toys available today that have similar possibilities and it is important that children are both allowed to play alone with these items but also that parents share play with them too to help with integrated play.One of the key elements within Froebel's thinking was the interaction with nature and the natural world. I remember when I was young that at school we had a wild garden at the rear of the playground and we had classes sitting in that area learning about plants and how they grew taking inspiration from what was growing around us. In current settings some schools are able to encourage children in their own school gardens.


