
6年前 322次浏览 澳洲布里斯班论文代写:高速度翻译已关闭评论

在全球化的背景下,世界范围内对高质量、高速度翻译的需求越来越大。满足这些需求可能导致译者和翻译公司的时间和成本的增加。因此,如何以低成本提高产品的质量和生产率是问题之一。为了节省时间和成本,计算机辅助翻译工具在翻译行业中发挥着重要的作用。近几十年来,语言工业创造并商业化了能够一次涵盖整个翻译过程的CAT工具(Austermuhl, 2001)。在翻译工具中,翻译记忆(TM)系统被认为是有效的工具,因为它通过提供以前的自动翻译来提高翻译生产力(Austermuhl, 2001)。然而,世界上有各种各样的TM系统,其中最有效的可能取决于个人需求,如语言系统或文本类型。本文将对SDL Trados Studio和Wordfast classic这两个TM系统进行评估,通过比较它们各自的操作功能。为了比较和评估两个TM系统,首先将TM系统的概念、各自TM系统的特点解释为本文讨论的背景知识。


Under the circumstances of globalization, the demand for high-quality and high- speed translations has been increasing worldwide. Satisfying these demands may result of the increasing of time and cost for translators and translation companies. Thus how enhance the quality and productivity with low cost is one of the problems. In order to achieve the time and cost saving, the computer assisted translation (CAT) tools is playing an important role in translation industry. The CAT tools enabling to cover the whole translation process at a time has been created and commercialized by the language industry in recent decades (Austermuhl, 2001). Amongst translation tools, translation memory (TM) systems are considered as the effective tools due to increasing translation productivity by offering previous translation automatically (Austermuhl, 2001). However, there are various TM systems worldwide and which is the most effective may vary depends on individual requirements such as language system or text types. This essay will attempt to assess two TM systems, SDL Trados Studio and Wordfast classic, by comparing each feature of operational functions. To compare and assess two TM systems, the concept of TM systems, features of respective TM systems first will be explained as background knowledge of the discussion in this essay.


