
6年前 336次浏览 澳洲布里斯班论文代写:基督徒的信仰已关闭评论



A Christian's beliefs are directly aligned with their daily practices. Both Christians and teachers travel a path of selflessness while pouring and teaching valuable, eternal lessons. As an educator we are always looking for ways to be innovative, but we must remember our students. My educational practice would be more in line with progressivism and social reconstuctionism, viewing the learner as the central focus. When working with students I will serve as a guide and facilitator assisting the student in reaching their learning goals. Students will be introduced to learning centers and work in with partners. Students will take ownership of their work and their classroom. My goal is assist to students to prepare for the future and to be independent-thinkers. When presenting new material to our students, make sure that we clarify the purpose and the learning goals to our students show them models and examples. According to Graham (2009), we are to apply biblical truth to all of education, and not just parts of it. Our goal is for the student to be successful. As colleagues we discuss if something is working or not, so why not take the time with our students to hold classroom discussions about their learning. In this way educators will be able to observe how the student is grasping the material and if something needs to change. It is important that students receive feedback from assignments and to give the teacher feedback about the learning process. Metacognitive strategies will be implemented to so that students are given the opportunities to plan, monitor their learning, and self-reflect along the learning process.


