
6年前 344次浏览 澳洲布里斯班论文代写:精神不健全已关闭评论



In general, drunken people are usually posses an unsound mind. It is because they are poisoned by the alcohol and their thinking might be ambiguous. As a result, they may make a wrong decision in participating in the drug testing. In addition, homeless alcoholics may short of money and desperate to gain money as much as possible. They may not think twice before an act. Therefore, ‘truly and uncoercived decision’ in signing an informed consent is not existed. Besides, the company only pay for the participant $85 a day which is believed as the lowest among its peers. However, because of desperate money in the homeless alcoholics’ mind have no choice to agree and accept the offer given by the company.Eli Lilly Company did provide the participants in term of money, warm bed, food, and medical care. However, all these things are provided in short term view. The company did not provide them in long term purposes and treat the participants as guinea pigs. Eli Lilly Company did not mention and provided the appropriate compensation plan to the participant in case of death or any side effects. Indeed, they just fulfil the desire of homeless alcoholics and achieve their objective in accomplishing the phase 1 test. The company does not bother a participant’s safety and danger issues by issuing an appropriate compensation to the injured participant.


