
7年前 277次浏览 澳洲财经学作业代写:行动研究项目已关闭评论



In an attempt to give the students that participate in this action research project more autonomy in their personal learning process, student centered education will hopefully lead to a self-taught and constructive feeling of academic accomplishment within each of these participants. Therefore, the role of the educator should mainly be to serve as a facilitator, in that he/she will guide the students along the path of this intellectual developmental process. In order to accurately evaluate and analyze this transition, I have created both pre and post surveys for participants to complete using a likert scale to rate various classroom activities as to their helpfulness in learning requirement material (See Appendices B & C). I have also put together an in depth questionnaire that will encourage the students to reflect on their personal learning processes (See Appendix A). Thus, allowing each individual participant to effectively identify which strategies or methods most benefit their individual abilities to retain knowledge. Knowles' (1980) Theory of Androgogy promotes a student centered learning environment. And logically by promoting participant learning experiences that will also involve personal advances in their classroom relationships, as well as improved reasoning, we should see cognitive growth more rapidly through developmental phases; and this will then allow them to foster personal growth in their academic self-efficacy. Moreover, with this perfected ability to process and obtain knowledge, and then conduct future planning for higher academic goals, one should feel less threatened by post-secondary education opportunities that might have seemed impossible or less attainable beforehand.

