
7年前 346次浏览 澳洲财经学作业代写:行为理论已关闭评论

周围的光的行为理论为形成性评价和误解,为littledyke(1998,pg.21)的描述,可以考虑对未来的进展和未来规划。教师可以使用这些信息来考虑如何挑战学生的误解,然后提供机会,他们调查自己的理论,如Miller等人概述。(在安斯贝瑞&摩根,2007引)在考虑别人。这可以实现,例如,通过实际调查,甚至是图画书的使用(安斯伯里和摩根,2007),使他们能够使用经验为基础的误解(同化)然后去适应他们的调查他们的创意(住宿)(艾伦,2010,pg.12)。简单的改正错误,会伤害孩子的自尊或导致他们拒绝接受其他的解释(德莱弗斯,et al.,1990,pp555-569;国家战略,2009)。任何战略的采用,但必须解决他们的理解,引导学生对误差的准确的科学知识(那里,H.,2002),因为不这样做可能会阻止进一步的进展.


The misconceptions surrounding the theory of light act as formative assessment and, as Littledyke (1998, pg.21) describes, can be used when considering implications for future progress and to inform future planning. Teachers can use the information to consider ways of challenging pupils' misunderstandings and can then provide opportunities for them to investigate their own theories, as outlined by Miller, et al. (cited in Ansberry & Morgan, 2007) while considering those of others. This can be achieved, for example, through practical investigations or even the use of picture books (Ansberry and Morgan, 2007), and enables them to use the experiences on which the misunderstandings were based (assimilation) and then to adapt their original ideas in response to their investigations (accommodation) (Allen, 2010, pg.12). Simply correcting misconceptions, could damage children's self esteem or lead to them refusing to accept alternative explanations (Dreyfus, et al., 1990, pp555-569; The National Strategies, 2009). Any strategy adopted, however, must address errors in their understanding and guide pupils towards accurate scientific knowledge (Asoko, H., 2002), as failure to do so could prevent further progress

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