
7年前 310次浏览 澳洲材料科学代写ASSIGNMENT:孩子掉队法案已关闭评论

由于<<不让2002岁孩子掉队法案>>对学生英语成绩的依赖,语言艺术考试对教育工作者和学校负有责任的国家问责制已变得越来越重要。2002任现行责任制的“不让一个孩子掉队”法,对学生精通国家英语、语言艺术测试成绩的比例有很大的影响。在不让一个孩子落后法案2002,每个国家都必须建立学生表现的基准和确定学校没有适当的年度进展(AYP)通过具体评估麦克兰和萨洛蒙费尔南德兹(2008)。李(2004)解释当前的负责任的系统是基于所有公立学校的学生精通英语的最终目的,语言艺术2014。作为麦克兰和萨洛蒙费尔南德兹(2008)解释每个国家的要求(AYP)要求不同。然而,在每一个州的结果,学校连续四年或以上失败可能面临纠正行动。学校面临不符合目标的危险后果,并可能被责令采取某些干预措施。认为学校不适当年度进步AYP连续3年,“需要改进”。进一步麦克兰和萨洛蒙费尔南德兹(2008)的工作状态,不让一个孩子落后法案2002要求的学校,“需要改进”必须补充教育服务提供给1名学生。补充教育服务(SES)已成为显着重要的困境,以协助每个国家在满足学生的表现基准和得分精通国家语言艺术测试。这种语言艺术为基础的学术援助必须与国家学术标准在每个国家结盟(卡塞利2007)。在2008项研究中他与萨洛蒙的费尔南德兹解释说,SES提供接受免费和优惠午餐计划经济弱势学生(p.1)。残疾学生不接受这些服务。- 2007)指出:“补充教育服务程序必须与学生的个别化教育计划614节个体在残疾人一致行动2004(想法)或504节康复法和有残疾的学生必须接受适当的补充教育服务和住宿§§【34 CFR 200.46(一)(4)和(5)]”(1页)。此外,所有的伙伴关系和联盟必须共同努力,以确保学生的残疾补充教育服务教学服务是密切配合学生个人教育计划。开放沟通,教师,学校,补充教育服务提供者和学校协调员是必不可少的,以确保一贯的补充教育服务。事实上,共享的残疾人学生教育计划(IEP)在保证一致的补充教育服务是关键。因此Ahearn(2007)指出,“所有补充教育服务提供者不必为学习障碍但法律并状态的学生,如果没有供应商能够提供必要的住宿,当地教育部门提供相应的服务(LEA)需要直接或通过一个合同提供这些服务


Since No Child left Behind Act of 2002 passed the reliance on student performance on English, Language Arts test to hold educators and schools accountable to the state accountability system has become increasingly essential. The No Child left Behind Act of 2002 current accountability system places considerable weight on the percentage of students scoring proficient on state English, Language Arts tests. Under No Child Left Behind Act of 2002 each state must establish student performance benchmarks and identify schools not making adequate yearly progress (AYP) through state specific assessments McQuillan & Salomon-Fernandez (2008). As Lee (2004) explains the current accountably system is based on the final goal of having all public school students proficient in English, Language Arts by 2014. As McQuillan & Salomon-Fernandez (2008) explain each states requirements for (AYP) requirements differ. However, in each state as a result schools failing for four consecutive years or more may face corrective action. Schools in danger of not meeting the goal face consequences and may be ordered into certain interventions. Schools not making adequate yearly progress AYP for 3 consecutive years are considered," in need of improvement." Further McQuillan & Salomon-Fernandez (2008) work states that the No Child Left Behind Act of 2002 mandates that schools, "in need of improvement" must make supplemental education services available to students in Title 1 schools. Supplemental education services (SES) has become significantly vital in the plight to assist each state in meeting the student performance benchmarks and scoring proficient on state language arts tests. This language arts research-based academic assistance must be aligned with the state academic standards set in each state (Casserly 2007). In a 2008 study McMullan & Salomon-Fernandez explain that SES is offered to the economically disadvantaged students who receive the free and reduced-price lunch program (p.1). Students with disabilities are not excluded from receiving these services. Ahearn 2007) states that "supplemental educational services programs must be consistent with a student's individual education plan under Section 614 Individuals with Disabilities Act of 2004 (IDEA) or Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act and students with disabilities must receive appropriate supplemental education services and accommodations [34 CFR §§200.46(a)(4) and (5)]"(p. 1). In addition, all partnerships and alliances must work together to assure that students' with disabilities supplemental education service instructional services are closely aligned with the student individual education plan. Open communication between, teachers, schools, supplemental education services providers and school coordinators is essential in ensuring consistent supplemental educational services. In fact the sharing of students with disabilities individuals education plans (IEP) is critical in guaranteeing consistent supplemental educational services. Accordingly Ahearn (2007) states that, "all supplemental education services providers are not required to serve students with learning disabilities however the law does state that, if no provider is able to provide the appropriate services with necessary accommodations the Local Education Authority (LEA) needs to provide these services directly or either through a contract

