
7年前 284次浏览 澳洲材料科学代写ASSIGNMENT:社会研究已关闭评论

用于社会研究中的图形推理中最常用的技术是将观测数据分为几类,这就是所谓的“模式匹配”(最好的2010c)。从这种情况下,这种方法是相关的理论位置,被发现在文献中。谢尔登et al.,看起来,他们知道从开始进行这项研究的结果看起来像什么(最好2010c)和没有差距或差异,他们期望找到出现。但是,如果他们对自己的研究更具体的问题,如果他们采访一次母亲,如果他们试图讨论更像是一个扩展的谈话,那么他们也许会得出不同的结论,他们希望获得更多关于这种情况的知识和在这一领域做出真正的贡献。舒曼(1982:22-23 Mishler引用1986:2)认为,“太多的可以推断出答案信以为真的问题值得商榷…所有答案取决于提问方式是制定“我们的问题是不适合本研究的调查。 因此,我们可以说,这项研究是一个很好的例子,“立场研究”,因为它包括一个立场研究。本文给出了我们从一开始,研究人员在他们的脑海中有一个理论的意义,基于霍伊和Tcchannen Moran的研究(1999,2003,2004),他们试图证明通过面试过程的答案。这正是一个“立场研究”。最好的(2010A)认为,这类项目的研究人员收集数据,并将它们呈现在一个特定的方式来支持一个论点或理论,他们要前进,这在谢尔登的E是明显的。纸。此外,这种研究是适当的,正确的研究人员选择了他们的工作,因为它经常被发现在研究残疾。因此,他们适当地应用这种模式的研究,这可以是一个很好的例子,要遵循的立场研究。


The most common technique used for drawing an inference in social research is to classify observations or data into categories and this is called 'Pattern Matching' (Best 2010c). This approach from the case is relevant to theoretical positions which were found in the literature. Shelden et al., looks that they knew from the beginning of conducting this research what their results such look like (Best 2010c) and no gaps or differences to what they expected to find emerged. However, if they had more specific questions about their research, if they interview mothers for second time, and if they try to have a discussion more like an extended conversation, then maybe they would reach different conclusions that they were expecting and gain more knowledge about this situation and make real contribution in this field. Schuman (1982:22-23 cited in Mishler 1986:2) argues that "too much can be inferred from answers taken at face value to questions of dubious merit…all answers depend upon the way a question is formulated" and in our case the questions were not appropriate for the investigation of this research.As a result, we can say that this research is a good example of a 'standpoint research' because it includes what a standpoint research is. This paper gives us the sense from the beginning that the researchers had a theory in their mind, based on the study of Hoy and Tcchannen-Moran (1999, 2003, 2004) which they tried to justify it through the answers of the interview process. This is exactly what a 'standpoint research' does. Best (2010a) argues that in this kind of projects the researchers collect data and present them in a specific way in order to support an argument or a theory that they want to advance, something that is obvious in Shelden's e al. paper. Also this kind of research is appropriate and correctly the researchers chose it for their work because it is found frequently in studies about disability. Consequently, they apply this model of research appropriately and this can be a good example of standpoint research to be followed.

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