
7年前 285次浏览 澳洲查尔斯达尔文论文代写:教室的管理已关闭评论



The management of a classroom includes the creation of an appropriate working environment which matches the activities and tasks the students would be working on so that they are able to keep focused, motivated to learn new things and not losing concentration. The atmosphere of the classroom must be relaxed and work-oriented while providing a positive climate which makes the classroom a pleasant learning place since this affects a lot how much the children keep focused on tasks and involved in activities. Thus, positive instructions contribute a lot in the creation of a positive climate, for example in saying what we should do and not what we shouldn't, such as, 'We listen to each other when someone is speaking' instead of saying 'We do not talk when someone is speaking'. In such classroom where positive climate is preached, students feel more confident in involving themselves and participating in activities. Thody et al. (2000) came up with a framework for developing positive behavior in the classroom. This framework involves 4 important elements which are all inter-dependent amongst each other, these are; the rights as well as the responsibilities of the students and teachers, the rules which help creating a work-oriented atmosphere and in the creation of positive relationships amongst all members of the school.

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