
7年前 286次浏览 澳洲查尔斯特论文代写:流动性供应已关闭评论



From the point of view liquidity supply, the trend of capital inflows may be the maintenance of high and even expanding; taking the changes in the direction of the real economy into account, the trend of credit control may be tight after the first song, as well as, the trend in the supply of liquidity should be about high after the first low. In other words, in the short term, the credit control leads to tighter liquidity or even shortage, the existence of asset markets may also have some pressure, the pressure can track from changes in interest rates in the credit market and consider the imbalance of the market itself to infer. In the medium to long term, the trend of assets revaluation is still clear and the bull market in China will still exist. The average earnings as a percentage of book value also exhibit large variation over period. What is interesting is that the in China average earnings scaled by book value are higher than in more advanced countries. This difference in earnings may be an influence of the degree of business risk associated with the specific economic environment in China. The environment in the developed markets is more competitive as firms have to compete not only with many domestic competitors but also with many foreign rivals.

