
7年前 287次浏览 澳洲查尔斯特论文代写:预期毕业率已关闭评论



Reyes' (1993) study followed up on low and high risk Hispanic high school students a year after their expected graduation rate. She found that low-risk students completed school at a much higher rate than high risk students. She then looked at one of the major reasons that lead to school failure for young Hispanics; specifically, their exposure to numerous stressful life events which places them at high risk for dropping out. For example, their neighborhoods may experience higher than average crime rates, unemployment, drugs, gangs, teen pregnancies, welfare dependency, etc. As a result, these students sometimes have a more difficult time adjusting to a school environment. This could lead to excessive absenteeism, truancy, and an eventual transfer to night school or a Graduate Equivalency Diploma program. The stressful life events also influence family decisions to relocate which contributes further to the instability of student's academic performance. Whether moving out of state or back to their country of origin, parents relocate children who are experiencing behavioral problems at home or school and take them out of the stressful environment, especially if the children get involved with gangs or drugs. Unfortunately, it appears that parents' involvement with their children's education, regardless of environment, could have been a determining factor as to whether that child graduated or not.

在澳洲的留学生活总会被各种各样的学术问题所困扰,快选择ENLUNWEN 澳洲论文代写 帮您解决难题吧!

