澳洲代写论文价格 Global Warming Rough Draft Environmental

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澳洲代写论文价格 Global Warming Rough Draft Environmental


Global warming still has many controversies surrounding the topic that draw attention away from the real issue. One example would be the resent "Climatgate" scandal where scientists were accused of manipulating and possible destroying data on climate change. According to an anonymous hacker with the pseudonym "FOIA" hacked into email accounts gathering over 1000 personal emails. The hacker then leaked small details of the emails in a way that at first looked like two chief researchers had manipulated or omitted parts of the data in order to present their findings. They later found the researchers did nothing wrong in the research or no evidence was found of foul play or manipulation. This shows the ongoing struggle at what lengths the individuals are willing to go to debunk the research. Many discussions still continue on the topic of Global Warming with both sides taking a stand on whether the facts support this as a real issue and the world's temperature is in fact warming or one of this being a myth and the planets overall temperatures are not raising any more or less than in any other time in history. According to the latest report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the product of hundreds of leading scientists from around the globe, confirms that global warming is happening now and needs to be addressed quickly to avoid costly and difficult problems.


Many consider human caused global warming to be a myth, just an excuse for the record temperatures and other weather patterns. There are two main sides to the argument of the cause of global warming; those who believe that global warming is just a natural phase in the climatic habits of earth, and those who believe humans are the direct cause through the burning of fossil fuels and other processes. In an article released by the Dept. of Commerce, NASA claims the solar increases do not have the ability to cause large global temperature increases greenhouse gasses are indeed playing a dominant role. As the leading global scientific institution of the US Government, NASA's point is highly accepted by the community. In the same article, the Dept. of Commerce says that only a quarter of the amount of global warming can be attributed to the sun. That one-quarter is the natural part of global warming; the rest is from human activity.

人类是第二十世纪出现全球变暖趋势的主导力量。在过去几个世纪里,火山爆发和太阳的排放量的波动等自然因素,这对温度的影响是非常强大的,只能占全球变暖的百分之25。其余的气候变暖是由人类活动引起的,特别是二氧化碳和其他吸热气体的上升。笔者认为,Thomas J. Crowley的德克萨斯A&M的地质学家“自然变异”在第二十世纪的变暖,大部分的气候变暖是最吝啬的解释,这是由于温室气体的人为的增加只起到辅助的作用。克劳利提出了人们之间最直接的联系和1.1华氏度的平均气温上升,在过去的100年的平均气温是由于一些所谓的温室效应。温室效应是一个过程,从行星表面的热辐射被困在大气中的气体吸收。这种再辐射的一部分反射回表面和较低的大气。这将导致在一个以上的气体的情况下,它将是在平均表面温度升高。增加天气现象是全球变暖的另一个影响。一种理论认为,在过去的30年里,全球变暖可能会导致大西洋更为强烈的飓风。前苏联地理学教授James B. Elsner、威斯康星大学教授James P. Kossin和麦迪逊FSU的博士后研究员Thomas H. Jagger用全球卫星数据发现最强的热带气旋,事实上,越来越强,海洋温度在推动这一趋势的作用。这是一致的“热发动机”理论的气旋强度,这是所有的结果,我们的地球变暖。随着全球变暖的增加,它会改变地球上的许多气候模式。就降水而言,它会上升,赤道在极地和亚极地地区,并减少在亚热带地区。这种降水模式的变化将在某些地区产生干旱,而其他地区的洪水。大气的变暖将使海水温度的行星,这将持续几个世纪的气温持续升高。温暖的水会导致频繁的自然灾害,如飓风。总的来说,地球将经历极端的天气条件,其特征是洪水和干旱,热浪和寒冷的波浪,和极端风暴,如龙卷风和龙卷风。

Humans are the dominant force behind the sharp global warming trend seen in the 20th century. Natural factors like volcanic eruptions and fluctuations in the suns emissions, which were powerful influences on temperatures in past centuries, can account for only 25 percent of global warming. The rest of the warming was caused by human activity, particularly rising levels of carbon dioxide and other heat-trapping gases. According to author, Thomas J. Crowley a Texas A&M geologist "natural variability" plays only a subsidiary role in the 20th century warming and that the most parsimonious explanation for most of the warming is that it is due to the anthropogenic increase in greenhouse gases. Crowley proposes the most direct link to date between people and the 1.1 degree Fahrenheit rise in average global temperatures over the last 100 years is due to something called the greenhouse effect. The greenhouse effect is a process by which thermal radiation from a planetary surface is absorbed by gases trapped in the atmosphere. Part of this re-radiation is reflected back towards the surface and the lower atmosphere. This results in an elevation of the average surface temperature above what it would be in the absence of the gases. Increase in weather phenomena is another effect of global warming. One theory is that global warming may be contributing to stronger hurricanes in the Atlantic over the past 30 years. FSU geography Professor James B. Elsner, University of Wisconsin-Madison Professor James P. Kossin and FSU postdoctoral researcher Thomas H. Jagger have used global satellite data to find that the strongest tropical cyclones are, in fact, getting stronger and ocean temperatures play a role in driving this trend. This is consistent with the "heat-engine" theory of cyclone intensity which is all a result of the warming of our planet. Drought As global warming increases it will alter many climatic patterns of the planet. As far as rainfall is concerned, it will rise equatorially in both polar and sub-polar regions, and decrease in subtropical areas. This change in precipitation pattern will generate a drought in certain areas, while floods in other areas. Warming of the atmosphere will escalate the temperature in the planets seawaters, which will endure continued elevated temperatures for centuries. Warm water will lead to frequent natural disasters like hurricanes. Overall, the planet will experience extreme weather conditions, characterized by flood and droughts, heat waves and cold waves, and extreme storms like cyclones and tornadoes.

