Psychology Essay 代写:情绪智力及其关系

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Psychology Essay 代写:情绪智力及其关系




Psychology Essay 代写:情绪智力及其关系

Over the years many people have attempted to define what intelligence is. During the last 100 years theories of what it is and how to measure have been pointed out. One example is Spearman (1927) who established intelligence as a general ability to think, understand and problem-solve. This research gave a light to many theorists that as Brody (2006) established that there is one, general cognitive ability otherwise known as "g" that defines human intelligence. Some researchers agreed that there must be more intelligence than one ability in general. The same way to define intelligence, Thurstone (1938) suggested that intelligence encompassed seven different abilities rather than one general ability. Then, Cattell and Horns's (1966) research led to the proposition that g is comprised of two separate abilities, which yielded a single score that came to be known as one's intelligence "quotient" or IQ.

Since that moment when the term intelligence was inserted it has been related with academic setting. Brody (2006) showed that IQ scores are correlated with the amount of education completed, which has also been found to be related to occupational success. But experience has shown us that even we are successful in our occupation doesn't mean we will be successful in life. Brody (2006) stated that the notion of one's intelligence score can guarantee success in school, or perhaps more importantly, success in handling the difficulties of everyday life, may be a limited perspective.

In the early 1980s, a resurgence of the idea that individuals possess more than one general cognitive ability was stimulated by Gardner's (1983) theory of multiple intelligences (MI) and later by Sternberg's (1996) triarchic theory of intelligence. The acceptance of some of these newer ideas regarding intelligence opened the door for yet another theory. The theory of emotional intelligence (EI) attempts to explain why some students with high levels of measured intellectual ability do not experience commensurate academic achievement and/or success in life. Some researchers such as Murphy (2006) have suggested that individuals who possess the ability to recognize, use, and regulate emotions have a significant advantage in the educational setting, work environment, and social relationships.

