
7年前 313次浏览 澳洲地产管理代写论文:厄瓜多尔教育已关闭评论



According to International Monetary Fund (2012) nowadays Ecuador has a volume of exports of goods and services of 2.17 and a value of oil exports of 11.36 billions of dollars instead South Korea, a country with one of the best educational systems and with an industry of knowledge, science, and technology, has a volume of export of goods and services of 10.455 and a value of oil exports of 0.  Ecuador is currently a country with an economy strongly based on export of raw material mainly oil and its gross national income is 97,059.21 dollars. In contrast South Korea is a country with an economy based on knowledge, science, and technology has a gross national income of 1,388,988.42. South Korea percentage income from exportation of goods and services is equal to Ecuador percentage of incomes from export of oil. The most part of GNI of South Korea comes from manufacturing and services in contrast the most part of GNI of Ecuador comes from export raw material.As a result of the development of an innovative and technologic industry the economy of South Korea is nowadays one of higher growth in the world. In contrast Ecuadorian economy does not show significant growth and even exist decrease in periods. As a result of an economy extractivist Ecuador is not growing and in order to improve its economy the country must change their productive matrix from educative system. Ecuador must stablish an educative system comparable with educative system of South Korea in order to develop the only one an industry and economy successful to tiny nations and without natural resources.  Industry, economy, and society of Ecuador must have a model of educational system according to their needs.

