
7年前 271次浏览 澳洲迪肯论文代写:认知方式已关闭评论

认知方式彻底改变了心理学在1950年代末和1960年代初。皮亚杰认知发展是最著名的研究人员提出,通过定性思维发展变化由于越来越成熟的大脑。他牢记着他的儿童认知发展的研究(1896 - 1980)。互联网网站quotes.net援引皮亚杰的话说“教育的主要目标是创建男人能做新事物,不是简单的重复其他代做什么“认知心理学家感兴趣的是人们如何理解,诊断和解决问题。认知的研究主要集中在我们的大脑如何处理信息和研究往往发生在实验室里比在现实生活中的设置。认知方法,认知障碍已经学过,所以可以被掌握。艾利斯,当我们积极思考和做决定基于原因,我们理性的行为,因此我们是快乐的,能干的和有效的。另一方面,长期的非理性思考会导致心理问题和异常行为。


The Cognitive approach began to revolutionise psychology in the late 1950s and early 1960s.Piaget is the best known cognitive development researcher who suggested that, thinking progressed through qualitative changes due to the increasing maturity of brain. He is remembered for his studies of cognitive development in children (1896-1980). The internet site, quotes.net quotes Jean Piaget as saying “The principal goal of education is to create men who are capable of doing new things, not simply of repeating what other generations have done” Cognitive psychologists are interested in how people understand, diagnose and solve problems. Cognitive research mainly focuses on how our brains process information and the research tends to take place in the laboratory than in real-life settings. The cognitive approach states that cognitive disorders have been learned, and so can be unlearned.According to Albert Ellis, when we think positively and make decisions based on reasons, we behave rationally, and as a result we are happy, competent and effective. On the other hand, prolonged irrational thinking can lead to psychological problems and abnormal behaviour.

