
7年前 407次浏览 澳洲电子工程学Assignment代写:写作诗歌已关闭评论

进入高中后,劳伦斯便开始阅读和写作诗歌。这一兴趣贯穿于他1892年在Hanover新罕布什尔州达特茅斯学院的教育生涯中,以及后来在波士顿哈佛大学的教育生涯中。虽然很有教养,罗伯特从未获得正式的大学学位。离开学校后,Frost成了一个流浪汉,有许多不同的职业从教师、新闻记者、甚至劳伦斯前哨编辑在一点。1894,他发表了他的第一首诗叫我的蝴蝶在纽约报纸称为独立。出版他的诗一年后,他结婚了,生了6个孩子Elinor Miriam White,他的朋友在高中,谁是关键的灵感在他的诗歌直到她的悲剧因乳腺癌死亡1938。1912移居英国后,罗伯特遇到一些有影响的诗人如Robert Graves和埃兹拉·庞德。通过他们,罗伯特能够发表了很多作品,帮助推动他的事业。当Frost于1915回到美国时,他出版了几本诗集,其中包括波士顿北部的诗集,这是他最成功的作品之一。由early1920的罗伯特·弗罗斯特成为美国最著名的诗人。他继续发表伟大的整个一生如剩余;在空地上,Steeple Bush,新罕布什尔州。Robert Lee Frost于1963年1月29日在波士顿逝世,前列腺手术并发症。


After entering high school in Lawrence he began reading and writing poetry. This interest followed him all through his years of education at Dartmouth College in Hanover, New Hampshire, in 1892, and later at Harvard University in Boston. Although very educated, Robert never obtained a formal college degree. After leaving school, Frost became a drifter and had a number of different occupations ranging from a teacher, newspaperman and even the editor of the Lawrence Sentinel at one point. In 1894, he published his first poem called My Butterfly in the New York newspaper called the Independent. One year after publishing his poem, he married and fathered 6 children with Elinor Miriam White, whom he was friends with in high school and who happened to be the key inspiration in his poetry till her tragic death due to breast cancer in 1938. After moving to England in 1912, Robert meet a number of influentially poets such as Robert Graves and Ezra Pound. Through them, Robert was able to publish many of his works that helped jumpstart his career. By the time Frost returned to America in 1915, he had published a couple of collections of poems including North of Boston, which was one of his most successfully collections. By the early1920’s Robert Frost became one of the most well-known poets in America. He continued to publish great throughout the remainder of his life time such as; In the Clearing, Steeple Bush, and New Hampshire. Robert Lee Frost died in Boston on January 29, 1963, of complications from prostate surgery.

