
7年前 254次浏览 澳洲电子商务Assignment代写:百科全书已关闭评论

在我的小学和中学的几年,世界图书百科全书和大英百科全书是我以前的老师给我的任务,收集信息资源。百科全书是当时中央手段获取信息。我总结和转述我阅读和记录它在我的笔记本电脑和笔记本。如今,比起二十年前的孩子们,他们拥有更多的资源,孩子们可以在他们的笔记本电脑或台式机上输入他们的互联网研究任务。 在不到一辈子,技术已迈出了大步,具有深刻的影响不仅在教育领域,但在我们生活的各个方面,从根本上改变我们的生活方式,工作,学习和玩耍,同时引入了根本性的变化,假设我们在正式和非正式的教育领域的重要场所(谭小欣与廉,2006)。作为当今世界走向一个更加开放和全球化的社会,国际通信网络往往黯然失色,物理位置的障碍(身体、家庭、国家、社会)(Mc Luhan,1964),我们与技术-电视,淹没互联网、视频游戏、个人电脑、摄像机、手机、掌上电脑和iPod只是几。年轻人的参与和全方位的技术运用能力,在家里还是在学校,在更广阔的社会世界,在网络社区发展的地方和时代,个人意义的种族、性别或类是由这些媒体渲染无关


Throughout my primary and secondary school years, the World Book Encyclopaedia and the Encyclopaedia Britannica were the resources I used to gather information for assignments given to me by my teachers. Encyclopaedias were the central means of acquiring information at that time. I summarised and paraphrased what I read and transcribed it in my notebooks and copybooks. Today, having more resources at their fingertips than children just twenty years ago, children can type their internet researched assignments on their laptops or their desktops.In less than a lifetime, technology has taken giant steps and has made profound impact not only in the educational arena but in every aspect of our lives, fundamentally changing the way we live, work, learn and play, while concurrently introducing radical changes and assuming important places in both our formal and informal educational arena (Tan Wee Hin & Subramaniam, 2006). As the world today moves toward a more open and global society where international communications networks tend to eclipse the barriers of physical location (body, family, country, society) (Mc Luhan, 1964), we are inundated with technology - television, internet, video games, personal computers, camcorders, mobile phones, palm pilots and iPods are just few. The young people engage with and exercise competence in a whole range of these technologies, in the home as well as at school and in the wider social world, developing online communities in which 'the local and personal significance of age, ethnicity, gender or class are rendered irrelevant by these medium'

