
7年前 364次浏览 澳洲东亚和南亚研究Assignment代写:私立大学已关闭评论

上世纪90年代初,大约有200所私立大学,但没有私立大学。但2011,民办高校有53所,包括私立大学学院、外国大学分校和6多所民办高校500所。从这些数据可以看出,民营机构的数量逐年快速增长。与公立大学相比,私立大学的数量更高。我们可以看到,相比于公立机构,我国的私人机构。约50%的全国三级学生的入学人数是在私立高等教育机构。私立高等教育机构的入学人数增加,由1985的约15人激增至000,而在1990,约为35,而2005是000。 私人机构的等级可以根据其级别进行分类。层被称为一级机构是有序的。它有六层,其中第6层是最高级别,第1层是最低级别。第6层被称为优秀的,在我国的私立大学没有被归类在这一层。而5层是类如吉隆坡大学优秀级,大学技术双子星和更多。AIMST大学和大学-Nasional是大学为例,在4层,分为很好。3级分类为好的大学insaniah是这个罐的大学。对于第2层,它被称为满意和第1层是弱。它也有私立学校不评,这是因为他们没有一个特定的地方或自身建设做为一类。所以政府很难给他们层。


In the early 1990s, there were approximately 200 private colleges but no private university. But in 2011, there is exist 53 private universities including private university colleges, 6 foreign university branch campus and more than 500 private colleges. From this data we can see that the number of private institutions increasing rapidly from year to year. The number of private university is higher when we compared it with the public university. We can see the dumping of private institutions in our country compared to public institutions. Approximately 50% of the country's total tertiary student's enrolment population is in private higher education institutions. The increase in enrolment population within private higher education institutions demonstrated in staggering rise from only around 15 000 in 1985, to just about 35 000 in 1990 and just over 320 000 in 2005.The rank of private institutions can be classified based on its tier. Tier is known as a level of one institution is ordered. It has six tiers where tier 6 is the highest level and tier 1 is the lowest level. Tier 6 is known as outstanding and none of the private university in our country is classified in this tier. While for tier 5 it is categories as an excellent tier for example University Kuala Lumpur, University Technology Petronas and many more. AIMST University and University Tenaga Nasional is the example of university that in the tier 4 which is classified as very good. Tier 3 is classified as good and College University Insaniah is one of the universities in this tank. For tier 2 it is known as satisfactory and tier 1 is weak. It also has private stitutions that are not rated and it is because they do not have a specific place or their own building to make as a class. So it is hard for the government to give them the tier.

