
5年前 389次浏览 澳洲法学论文代写:公司法已关闭评论



The principle of separate corporate personality has been firmly established in the common law since the decision in the case of Salomon v Salomon & Co Ltd, whereby a corporation has a separate legal personality, rights and obligations totally distinct from those of its shareholders. Corporate personality is a common law principle that grants a company a legal identity, separate from the members who comprise it. On the other hand, it follows that the property of a company belongs to that company, debts of the company must be satisfied from the assets of that company, and the company has perpetual succession until wound up.When a company receives a certificate of incorporation it automatically be a ‘separate legal personality’. In law when the company becomes a legal person it means its own right. This essentially means that if one commences business as a limited liability company, then the corporation or company is a legal entity with distinct legal personality separate to that of the owners, members, or shareholders. This is known as the concept of legal personality.The ‘veil of incorporation’ can be described as being the separation between a company and its members. Due to the separate legal status of a company from its members this is usually very strictly maintained. However, there are certain circumstances when the courts will deny the people who run the company the advantage of hiding behind the corporate veil. In these instances the veil of incorporation is said to be ‘lifted’, the barrier between a company and its members is removed so there is no legal separation between them. There instances are however, difficult to predict as the reasons depend on the judges interpretation of “fairness” or “policy” or of how a particular statute should be interpreted.

