
7年前 322次浏览 澳洲犯罪学论文代写:莫大的恩惠已关闭评论



According to this source, out at sea, Santiago as a fisherman gains deep insight of himself and of his relationship with the world around him. He views the sea as a woman who gives or withholds great favors. He develops friendship and love for all creatures around him who share dangerous and unpredictable lives. His deepest love for the marlin arises when he recognizes that he must capture it for his profession and pride, and not for his physical need. The author is comprehensive and uses vivid imagery to show that unlike any other fish, the marlin was more of a spiritual entity in Santiago's eyes than a mere physical necessity. He shows that the marlin is Santiago’s worthy opponent. Santiago ultimately kills the marlin because he feels that they are now equals and that the marlin is his brother. The author claims Santiago has a sense of guilt and loneliness for sailing inwards into the sea, only to kill fish that he loved dearly. He believes he betrayed the fish and goes home with an empty sense of victory.Secondly, a man should not depend on luck. In Santiago’s small Cuban fishing village, he is called salao, which is the worst kind of bad luck. This makes him an outsider and it costs him his partner, Manolin, whose parents prevent him from fishing with him. While Santiago suffers from hunger and poverty, other fishermen successfully have good fish harvests every day. The story shows that anyone can have luck, but not everybody can have perseverance, skill and determination. Santiago knows this and he believes in his ability and not chance.

