
7年前 338次浏览 澳洲犯罪学论文代写:贫富教育差距已关闭评论

进行的研究goldthrope同意康纳等人的发现goldthrope指出,社会阶层和受教育程度之间的差别几乎没有改变自1900年开始的。建议来自下层阶级家庭的孩子仍更有可能离开这个教育体系一旦他们完成他们的义务教育比经济得天独厚的同龄人。这可能是由于父母更高的经济地位出现在一般地方教育价值高于下层阶级的儿童的父母。有人建议,下层阶级更重视职业教育和职业培训,而不是高等教育。已经有研究通过·鲍尔斯和gintis等(1976)表明,教育是一种“文化的再生产”。他们认为,主导或更高的类使用他们的权力,确保“社会结构再生产”。因此,建议社会控制是由教育系统维护剥削阶级不平等。在学校练习当地法律不允许有意识地歧视孩子从较低的社会阶层。然而,可能会有无意识的歧视。例如,孩子们赞扬和奖励证书等优秀在教室里。然而,孩子更容易excel那些能负担得起的更有利于家庭的额外的资源,比如郊游和书籍。从这后,古德温和le grand(1987)表明,这些家庭在最需要教育补贴的目标。他们认为国家支持教育通常只帮助经济得天独厚的家庭保持他们进入高等教育的能力。


Research conducted by Goldthorpe(1996) agrees with the findings of Connor et al. goldthorpe states that the differences between social class and educational attainment have changed very little since the beginning of the 1900's. It is suggested that children from lower class families have remained more likely to leave the education system once they have finished their compulsory education than their more financially advantaged peers. This could be due to the fact that parents with a higher economic status appear in general to place a higher value on education than the parents of children from the lower classes. It has been suggested that the lower classes place more value on vocational and on the job training rather than higher education.There has been research such as that by bowles and gintis (1976) that suggests that education is a form of 'cultural reproduction'. They argue that the dominant or higher classes use their power to ensure 'social structural reproduction'. Therefore, it is suggested that social control is maintained by the educational system by exploiting class inequality. In practise schools would not legally be allowed to consciously discriminate against children from lower social classes. However, there may be unconscious discrimination. For example, children are praised and given incentives such as certificates for excelling in the classroom. Yet the children more likely to excel are those from more advantaged families who are able to afford the extra resources such as outings and books. Following on from this, Goodwin and le grand(1987) suggest that those families in greatest need are not the target of educational subsidies. They argue that state support for education generally only helps the more financially advantaged families maintain their ability to enter higher education.

