
7年前 313次浏览 澳洲格里菲斯论文代写:教师领域已关闭评论



Since there is such an importance placed on developmentally appropriate practices, teachers can look at these four major areas to help foster positive learning and optimal development of young children. In the environment area, teachers create an engaging, and responsive environment to enhance the child's learning and development. This type of DAP is applicable to all grade levels. The classroom is supposed to enhance exploration, observation, experiment, and allow for risk taking in a "safe" environment. If students feel comfortable within their environment, then creative learning will occur. Curriculum planning should be based on how children learn best. For teachers to effectively employ DAP, they must have a thorough understanding about how children develop and learn, therefore, combining this knowledge with the frameworks designated by a given state, teachers should be equipped with adequate resources to help children reach his or her full potential. To optimize each child's progress in learning, instructional strategies can be used by teachers to ensure success. An example a teacher might use as an instructional strategy would be to observe and interact with whole groups, small groups, or even individually. The benefit to instructional strategies is that it helps students to be motivated and promotes the willingness to take risks. Teachers should ask questions, make comments, and give feedback. This will help stimulate children's thinking and learning. Assessment in a developmentally appropriate classroom is ongoing, authentic, and purposeful. The developmental needs of students are assessed, teachers adapt instruction to these needs, and the results of assessment are used to improve instruction.

