
7年前 327次浏览 澳洲管理学论文代写:孩子自信培养已关闭评论



Most dyslexic children will feel like they are stupid and they can tell that the rest of the class are doing better than they are. Dyslexia does not mean a child is stupid they can be bright in Math, Sciences, the arts, or even in unexpected areas such as writing (Pediatrics, American Academy of, 2010). You should let the child knows this because before any real progress can be made with treatments such as the multi-sensory method. The child must first have the confidence to be able to succeed. As a teacher you should perform a little cognitive therapy to help the student. To help the student feel better about themselves a great exercise is to create a list of things they are good at and things they are bad at. The evidence will help show the child there are far more things they are good at then things they are bad at. Confidence will help them then put in the effort in to try and get passed dyslexia. It will not happen overnight though you will have to encourage and let the child know you are there for them and you believe in them. I think another great way to help build confidence is to let them know that many people have dyslexia and get through it every day, even celebrities, athletes, and political figures. People like Tom Cruise, Jay Leno, Muhammad Ali, Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, and Cher to name a few, all have dyslexia (Famous people with the gift of dyslexia, 2010). Maybe if a child knows that their hero or a known celebrity can move passed it and develop a life for themselves so can they.

