
7年前 356次浏览 澳洲广告学论文代写:如何说话已关闭评论

孩子出生时不知道如何说话,甚至理解父母和照顾者所说的语言。但他们生来就有学习的能力。随着时间的推移和暴露,他们开始理解别人说什么,并产生自己的语言。他们通过听和说来学习交流语言的意义。作为日常的重复在他们吃饭的时候,一天洗澡、玩、睡觉、穿衣,他们听到的语言变得越来越可以理解。威尔斯(1986)说,口语出现时,幼儿与他人互动社交,传达需求,让他们满足,分享想法和了解他人的想法,并通过娱乐或娱乐玩。 能够保持第一或家庭的语言是对孩子说话必须经常听语言的使用,鼓励孩子说话,让他们去探索周围会有助于他们使用的语言提高(与谢的结果)。小孩子在讲英语的环境中,能流利地掌握第二语言。一个地方,他们可以有有意义的经验,同时学习.


Children are born without knowing how to speak or even understand the language spoken by their parents and caregivers. But they are born with the ability to learn. Over time and with exposure, they begin to understand what others say and to produce language themselves. They learn the meaning of communicating language through listening and speaking. As their routine repeat throughout the day of their mealtime, bathing, play, sleep and dressing, the language they hear becomes more and more understandable. Wells (1986) stated oral language emerges as young children interact with others to socialize, to convey needs and have them met, to share ideas and learn about the ideas of others, and to entertain or be entertained through play.To be able to maintain first or home language it is important to talk frequently to the children and listen to the use of language, encouraging children to talk and allowing them to explore around would help them improve in their use of language (that linked to HSIE outcomes). Young children can get fluent in the second language when they are exposed to in English-speaking settings. A place, that they can have meaningful experiences while learning

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