
6年前 705次浏览 澳洲国际关系学代写论文:马来理事会已关闭评论

陈庆炎对在安理会中加入马来非官方成员并不满意,他呼吁中国代表加入安理会。他于1931年8月发起了海峡中国英国协会(Straits Chinese British Association)的请愿书,要求对克莱门泰进行让步。然而,Clementi反驳说,自1931年7月以来,任命中国事务部长为安理会的正式成员,应充分代表中国的利益。谭仍然坚持。1932年12月,他在对塞缪尔·威尔逊爵士(Sir Samuel Wilson)的措辞强硬的备忘录中,重申了中国的真实不满。最后,英国网开一面。1933年7月,一名中国非官方成员被任命为穆罕默德·乌纳斯(Mohammed Unus)。这一荣誉并没有被晒黑。取而代之的是一名经验丰富但不太资深的立法委员,而不是谭恩威。然而,在几个月后的辞职后,中国行政代表的身份不能被否定。他于1933年11月被提名为理事会成员。他因此限制个人胜利和中国的“胜利”,因为他经历了多年的奋斗在中国问题上表示1935年辞职后,这个实验的一个亚洲正式成员执行委员会没有停止,由Tregonning如上所述,但提名传递给另一个中国。


Tan Cheng Lock was not satisfied with the inclusion of a Malay unofficial member in the Council, and he called for a Chinese representative in the Council. He initiated the Straits Chinese British Association Petition of August 1931 to pressure Clementi into granting the concession. However, Clementi rebutted that the appointment of the Secretary of Chinese Affairs as an Official member to the Council since July 1931 should adequately represent Chinese interests. Tan remained adamant. He reaffirmed this real grievance of the Chinese in his strongly worded memorandum to Sir Samuel Wilson in December 1932. Finally, the British relented. A Chinese unofficial member was appointed with the resignation of Mohammed Unus in July 1933. This honour did not go to Tan. It went instead to Wee Swee Teow, a seasoned but less senior Legislative Councillor than Tan. However, on the resignation of Wee several months later, the distinction of being the Chinese Executive Representative could not be denied to Tan. He was nominated to the Council in November 1933. His was thus capped with a personal triumph and a 'victory' for the Chinese as he gone through long years of struggle on the issue of Chinese representation After his resignation in 1935, this experiment of an Asian official member to the Executive Council was not discontinued, as stated by Tregonning, but the nomination passed on to another Chinese.

