
7年前 316次浏览 澳洲国际关系学代写论文:元素的模型已关闭评论

的元素的模型的过程目标是由决策过程的本质和领导风格。的模型是基于协议的目标在一个组织的成员和提出了横向结构和所有成员有权参与决策过程。凯p(2010)写具体问题可以解决不同的委员会任命的新学年的开始。这些委员会由教师根据自己的能力和专业知识。他们进行处理和解决问题,在学年学生纪律等制定一套行为准则,在学校暴力预防和治疗,开发活动对学习动机、学习困难和解决方法(凯p . E849 Web活动1、2 2010年11月)。此外,Palli c(2010)有一个共同的领导能力和集体责任感的员工在她的学校。在学年的开始有一个代表团的角色和责任。老师也有机会选择他们想要的委员会成员根据他们的利益.


The elements of Collegial Model are the processes by which goals are determined by the nature of decision process and the leadership style. The collegial model is based on agreement goals among the members of an organization and presents lateral structures and all members have the right to participate in the decision process. As Kaily P. (2010) wrote specific problems can be addressed by different committees which are appointed at the beginning of the school year. These committees consist of teachers according to their abilities and expertise. They undertake to address and solve problems that arise during the school year such as student discipline by formulating a code of conduct, violence at school- prevention and treatment, development activities for motivation in learning, learning difficulties and workarounds (Kaily P. E849 Web Activity 1, 2 November 2010). Furthermore, Palli C. (2010) there is a shared leadership and a collective sense of responsibility among the staff at her school. At the beginning of the school year there was a delegation of roles and responsibilities. Also the teachers had the opportunity to select the committees they wanted to be members according to their interests

