
7年前 367次浏览 澳洲国立大学论文代写:过程与男人平等已关闭评论



Women are the greater part of world population. They are taking part in every course of life at equality with the men. In the west women are also involved in public administration as well and doing their responsibilities in a satisfactory manner. It is really important to understand the natural difference that Nature has drawn between the aptitude of men and women. In general women are far much sensitive than the men so it’s really important for the employers who have women employees, because as compared to men women just don’t like to be bossed and given orders. But when it comes to the public administration women have to follow the orders. This leads us to think about the way and mechanism of giving orders. High ups must realize that they should not make feel their subordinates down and should be very careful and professional while issuing orders. This concept becomes more complex when the subordinate is a woman because if a manager or high rank officer makes a woman feel that she is solely bound to his order. She would definitely show some resentment which can be the violation of deadlines, compromising the quality of work or in worst case it can cause resignation of that woman employee.

