
7年前 298次浏览 澳洲国立大学论文代写:穆斯林人已关闭评论

一瞬间,我站在了我的一部分时,Nafisi的母亲的书,一个人就像一个穆斯林女人嫁给一个合适的穆斯林人他们工作了。妈妈喜欢穿长袍,因为她觉得是她很特别。令我震惊的是,母亲教女儿英语而不是阿拉伯语,而父亲允许她学习英语。那女人不是被迫穿长袍,所以你可以告诉她有多么爱她的丈夫。期间,Nafisi在她的房子教学七个学生她为什么如此震惊地看到她的学生走出自己的壳或用她的话说“我不能去见他们震掉强制性的面纱和长袍,冲进色”(Azar Nafisi 5)她想教什么,学校认为错,她得到了她的七个最好的学生,用教义来释放他们所有的思想,情感,和挫折相互讨论书籍和其他文学作品。在一篇题为“读书俱乐部”,由Sam Munson她解释说,当Nafisis在政府学校的教学开始决定什么是允许的,没有像Nafisis所教导,所以她被开除了,是什么让她与她的一些学生做这个小俱乐部。很快,每一个学生在这里开始相互开放”,每一个获得的轮廓和形状,成为她自己的独特的自我”


One moment I the book that stood out to me in part one was when Nafisi’s mother, a person who is nothing like a Muslim woman marries a proper Muslim man they somehow work it out. Her mother loves to wear a chador because she feels is something very special to her. What gave me a shock was when the mother taught her daughter English instead of Arabic and that the father allows her. Back then woman weren’t forced to wear a chador so u can tell how much she loved her husband.During the time Nafisi was teaching the seven students at her house why she was so shocked to see her students come out of her shell or in her words “I could not get over the shock of seeing them shed their mandatory veils and robes and burst into color” (Azar Nafisi 5) She wanted to teach what the schools deemed wrong so she got her seven best students and used the teachings to release all of their ideas, emotions, and frustrations with each other as they discussed books and other literary works. In the article titled “The book club” by Sam Munson she explains how when Nafisis was teaching in the schools the government started to decide what was allowed and didn’t like what Nafisis was teachings so she got expelled and that is what got her to make this small club with some of her students. Soon each one of here students started to open up to each other “Gradually, each one gained an outline and a shape, becoming her own inimitable self” (Azar Nafisi 5)

