
7年前 349次浏览 澳洲国立大学论文代写:诺丁汉调查已关闭评论



The University of Nottingham had surveyed, for the other university to have an understanding how many of the universities actually practice sustainability in there as the course module or in the curriculum. As per the question asked in the survey-- "Sustainable Environmental Design represents a core part of the academic curriculum of your institution?" and from that we got the results that around 30 % overall people disagreed to this. The other question was does the institution invest adequate resources in the teaching of Sustainable Environmental Design, and around 26 % overall people were not sure of the opinion weather to agree on this or not. From the above result we could conclude that majority of the institutes are not able to incorporate sustainability in as the major subject to the curriculum. But when the question was asked is sustainable design to be a subject in course over here every one strongly agreed to the point, and this is positive result and it shows that even though people do not have the correct knowledge, they atlest want to make an effort to learn the real know-how.

