
8年前 407次浏览 澳洲国立大学论文代写:性教育的社会学视角已关闭评论 , , ,


The content of sexuality education curricula in America varies widely by region, by school district, and, sometimes, by classroom. The highly charged political debate concerning sex education could lead most people to believe there are hard and fast divisions between educational approaches" (Abstinence Only 1). Strong arguments about sex education have focused largely on policies. Growing more common, today's arguments support comprehensive curriculum of sex education, teaching how to be prepared, rather than to avoid all sexual contact and not teach students what to do in a sexual situation.

Research on the sociological aspect of sex education has supported this specific focus. Some of the most recent studies have shown continuing battles over abstinence-only and comprehensive programs. From federal, to state, to local efforts of adopting abstinence-only programs are centered on enforcing socially accepted morals. These arguments, unfortunately never solely about social problems, also include concerns about "the value of conventional gender roles and binaries, racial hierarchies, and heterosexuality" (Fields 2). These conflicts often impair the educators and students ability to understand lessons. Nevertheless, policies and programs can only achieve so much. The classroom is where decisions are made whether to resist or accept the governed program. Focusing on one's self in the classroom, current approaches in the social sciences are used to discover how gender is experienced by individuals, and how social pressures, and government agendas function at the level of the individual (Alldred 1)



性别教育的社会学方面的研究支持了这一具体的重点。一些最新的研究显示,持续的斗争,只有禁欲和全面的计划。从联邦、州到国家,采取禁欲计划的地方努力集中在执行社会公认的道德。这些争论,遗憾的是没有专门的社会问题,也包括“传统的性别角色和二进制文件,价值种族等级划分的问题,和异性恋”(2场)。这些冲突往往会损害教育者和学生理解课程的能力。然而,政策和计划只能实现这么多。课堂是决定是否抵制或接受被支配的程序的地方。注重在课堂上的自我,在社会科学的方法来发现性别是如何经历的个人,以及社会的压力,和政府议程的功能在个体层面(alldred 1)

