有很强的影响无论从高中毕业的学生因素(一)学生的个性特点,及(b)他们的家庭,学校和社区机构的特点。在前一类,作者发现,学生参与学术和社会和教育的期望是最重要的决定因素,留在学校。相反,高缺勤率和每周工作超过20小时相关的辍学率较高。家庭和学校等制度因素的后一类,也可以是毕业或辍学的强大预测因子。与父母和更多的家庭资源生活导致较低的辍学率。更重要的是,养育子女的做法,如对他们的孩子有很高的愿望,监测学校的进步,并与学校沟通是高毕业率的有力贡献者。这种类型的父母参与需要扭转西班牙裔辍学的负面趋势。 斯特恩(2004)讨论了由总统布什任命的西班牙裔美国人白宫教育卓越委员会的结果,以帮助减少高中辍学率的2002。委员会的报告指出,西班牙裔父母没有充分参与他们的孩子的教育。然而,具有讽刺意味的是,这笔资金被削减到帮助西班牙裔父母学习如何与学习过程联系起来的项目。全国拉美裔委员会(NCLR)是持怀疑态度的报告,他们觉得没有提出实质性的建议。他们还对西班牙裔父母不参加他们孩子的教育表示异议。然而,NCLR没有什么考虑的事实是,父母可以参与,但这并不意味着它是有效的参与。你可以让孩子做作业,但是没有适当的帮助,作业可能不正确。政府的一项举措是“是的,我可以”运动。它的网站促进了家长的识字意识。不幸的是,可能只有一小部分西班牙裔父母有机会使用电脑或有一定程度的熟练使用它们。另外两个点在文章中,以帮助提高低辍学率(A)提高西班牙裔教师的期望,以及(二)提高教师培训。虽然提高教师的期望和培训可能会有所帮助,但他们不是问题。教师只能在教室里做这么多,但一旦孩子回家,由家长接管。如果没有至少一个家长的有效参与,西班牙裔学生将继续斗争,失去兴趣,并没有意识到教育的重要性,直到为时已晚。
Rumberger and Lim (2008) identified two factors that have a strong bearing on whether students graduate from high school (a) individual characteristics of students, and (b) institutional characteristics of their families, schools, and communities. Within the former category, the authors found that student engagement both academically and socially and educational expectations are the most important determinants for staying in school. Conversely, high absenteeism and working more than 20 hours per week correlated to higher dropout rates. The latter category of institutional factors such as family and schools can also be strong predictors of graduating or dropping out. Living with both parents and more family resources resulted in lower dropout rates. More importantly, parenting practices such as having high aspirations for their children, monitoring school progress, and communicating with the school are strong contributors to higher graduation rates. This is the type of parental involvement needed to reverse the negative trend of Hispanic dropouts.Stern (2004) discusses the results of the 2002 White House Commission on Educational Excellence for Hispanics appointed by President Bush to help reduce the high school dropout rate. The commission's report stated that Hispanic parents were not adequately involved with their children's education. Ironically however, the funding was cut to programs that help Hispanic parents learn how to get connected to the learning process. The National Council of La Raza (NCLR) is skeptical about the report which they felt offered no substantive recommendations. They also dispute the assertion that Hispanic parents do not take part in their kid's education. However, what NCLR failed to consider was the fact that parents may get involved, but this does not mean it is effective engagement. You can make a child do his or her homework, but without the proper assistance, that homework may not be correct. One of the administration's initiatives was the "Yes I Can" campaign. Its website promoted literacy awareness for parents. Unfortunately, there were probably only a small percentage of Hispanic parents who had access to computers or had some level of proficiency in using them. Two other points were made in the article to help improve the low dropout rates (a) raise teacher expectations of Hispanics, and (b) improve teacher training. Although raising teacher expectations and training may help, they are not the problem. Teachers can only do so much in the classroom but it is up to the parents to take over once the kids get home. Without effective involvement by at least one parent, Hispanic students will continue to struggle, lose interest, and not realize the importance of education until perhaps it is too late.