
7年前 433次浏览 澳洲护理学代写论文:中国或印度政府已关闭评论

你也可以说,meluhans和Nagas之间的紧张关系复制印度和中国或印度政府和东北的印度部落之间的张力。“那是在印度东北部的一个实际的部落。故事中的人被忽略,担心的看着敌人因为他们异常。卡利和伽内什都被meluhans因为他们有额外的对手中,一个动物的头。卡利和Ganesh攻击meluhans维护自己的独立性,标志着他们的身份。它类似于纷争,我们不断地看到东北印第安人和印度人之间的休息,因为他们看起来是罕见的外蒙古印度东北部。特里帕蒂也带来了国际间的紧张局势在他的小说。meluhans产生有毒的somras导致畸形的照片在Nagas让我们想起二战美国原子弹在日本下降造成的辐射影响地区迄今为止日本各种畸形。另一方面,在当代世界调他的神话小说是科学维度的介绍。当Shiva reaches Meluha为他看到meluhans使用现代化的设备如甘霖等他们擅长医学第一次。除了这个,他们是足够先进的生产somras讲述的是化学合成的,如果在未稀释的形式采取的是有毒的。同时,两asrtras,“brahmastra '和' pashupatiastra”书中提到了可以被视为现代科学的产物。是的pashupatiastra导弹(可能是核裂变弹)伯舒伯蒂(在传统的印度教神话中的另一个名字Shiva勋爵),用来摧毁特定目标区域,而brahmastra是导弹(可能是核导弹)梵天不具有控制作用。


One can also say that the tensions between Meluhans and Nagas replicates the tension between India and China or Indian government and the Northeastern Tribes of India. ‘Naga’ is an actual tribe in northeast India. The Nagas in the story are neglected, feared and looked at as enemy because of their abnormality. Kali and Ganesha were abandoned by Meluhans because they had an extra pair of hands and an animal head. Kali and Ganesh attacks Meluhans to assert their independence and to mark their identity. It resembles the strife that we constantly see between north-east Indians and rest of Indians because of their Mongoloid looks that are uncommon outside north-east India. Tripathi also brings in International tensions in his fiction. The picture of Meluhans producing toxic Somras that causes deformities in Nagas reminds us of World War II, where USA dropped Atom Bombs upon Japan that causes various deformities in Japanese of radiation affected areas till date.Another aspect that makes his mythological fiction in tune with contemporary world is the introduction of scientific dimension. When Shiva reaches Meluha for the first time he sees that Meluhans use modern equipment like showers etc. They also excel in medicine. And apart from this, they are advanced enough to produce Somras which is told to be a chemical compound, which if taken in undiluted form can be poisonous. Also, the two Asrtras, ‘Brahmastra’ and ‘Pashupatiastra’ mentioned in the books can be seen as a product of modern science. The Pashupatiastra is a missile (possibly nuclear fission missile) of Pashupati (another name of Lord Shiva in traditional Hindu Mythology), used to destroy specific targeted area, while the Brahmastra is a missile (possibly nuclear fusion missile) of Brahma which does not have a controlled effect.

