
8年前 403次浏览 澳洲化学论文代写:联合利华已关闭评论




Unilever was start there business as a joint bencher organisation in 1930. One was Lever Brothers, which was a British Soap maker and the other one was Margarine Unie, it's a Dutch margarine producer. Unilever is an Dutch Company, which has a large amount of consumer product brands. It was includes food, beverages, cleansing agents, as well as personal care products. Unilever is a global suppliers of consumer goods in all three particular segments of Foods, Home, and Personal Care. Unilever has two sister companies. They are Unilever N.V. which is headquartered at Rotterdam, and other one is The Netherlands and Unilever PLC, which is headquartered at London, The United Kingdom. They both together are known as Unilever or The Unilever Group. Unilever performed as a single business and all there directors and operation are same.

Over two billion people every day touch Unilever products - whether people feeling great because they've got shiny hair and a brilliant smile, keeping their homes fresh and clean, or by enjoying a great cup of tea, satisfying meal or healthy snack.

