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在每一种文化中,养育和养育孩子的责任都在母亲的手中。由于这种责任,妇女教育在全球范围内得到了相当的重视。研究表明,女性的教育对孩子成长的方方面面都有很强的影响,其中之一就是孩子的学业成绩。受过教育的母亲的孩子被视为有更好的学习成绩相比,孩子少或未受过教育的母亲。(Tahir Andrabi,Jishnu Das,Asim Ijaz Khwaja:2009三月) 受过教育的母亲可以帮助他们的孩子在他们的生活,但最重要的是,他们可以帮助他们的孩子在他们的早期教育。他们试图让孩子们在他们所学习的学校里尽情享受更有成效的教育活动。这提高了孩子的教育能力,帮助他们取得成功。根据研究一的母亲一年后义务教育具有积极的影响对孩子的学业成绩,即“母亲呆在全日制教育超出最低离校年龄更容易表现出积极的教育态度和行为,如阅读自己的孩子”。


In Every culture, the responsibility of the upbringing and nourishing of a child lies in the hands of the mother. Due to this responsibility the women's education has gained quite an importance globally. Studies reveal that women's education has strong implications on every aspect of a child's upbringing and one of them is the child's academic performance. Children of educated mothers are seen to have better academic performance as compared to children of less or uneducated mothers. (Tahir Andrabi, Jishnu Das, Asim Ijaz Khwaja: March 2009)
Educated mothers can help their children throughout their life, but most importantly they can help their children in their early days of education. They try to indulge their children in more productive educational activities apart from what they study at school. This enhances the child's educational capabilities and helps them achieve success. According to a study an additional year of post compulsory schooling of a mother has a positive impact on their child's academic performance i.e. "mothers who stay in full time education beyond the minimum school leaving age are more likely to demonstrate positive educational attitudes and behaviours such as reading to their children". (Leon Feinstein and Ricardo Sabates: January 2008)

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