
7年前 298次浏览 澳洲计算机科学论文代写:婚姻问题已关闭评论

为什么在和她的婚姻问题nafisis?她的父亲入狱,她独自在这段时间里她说“我是不足够的冲动结婚,在我第十八岁的生日”(Azar Nafisi 83)她嫁给了一个男人“不喜欢我们”(Azar Nafisi 83)她认为他是完整的自己和他疯狂的嫉妒,这促使nafisis要和他离婚。她唯一能离婚的办法是得到她父亲的同意,当她说她不会要求赡养费时,他同意了。文中的“洛丽塔在德黑兰进行的沉默”的Madeline Brand说,Nafisis遭遇了她所有的生活。她母亲去世时,她很年轻,她的父亲进了监狱。这可能就是她在这么小的时候就想结婚的原因,因为作者来自伊朗,你可以看到很多故事中的联系。她面临的斗争,以及她如何克服这些困难,以及她搬到美国后,她认为世界是不同的,因为它是一个新的地方。然后她回到伊朗,现在正处于战争状态,自从她被开除后就再也不能教书了。这部小说与她的小说有很大关系,因为她在自己的祖国有很多的经历和艰苦生活的背景,她母亲在她年轻的时候就去世了,而她的父亲也被关在监狱里。只剩下她一个人了。在传记一篇题为“Azar Nafisi”的主编杰夫瑞·W·亨特他写了一篇精彩的文章,在她的努力和她年轻时代的传记,她经历了什么。


Why was Nafisis having trouble with her marriage? Her father went to jail so she was left alone and during that time she said “I was insecure enough to marry on the spur of a moment, before my eighteenth birthday” (Azar Nafisi 83) She married a man who “wasn’t like us” (Azar Nafisi 83) she thought of him as he was full of himself and that he was crazy jealous this prompted Nafisis to want a divorce with him. The only way she could get a divorce was to get the approval of her father and he agreed when she said she would not sue for alimony. In the article “Lolita in Tehran Author Goes Silent” by Madeline Brand said that Nafisis had suffered all her life. Her mother died when she was so young and her father was put in jail. That might be the reason to why she wanted to marry at such a young age.Because the author is from Iran you can see a lot of the connections made in the story. The struggles she faces and how she overcomes them and also when she moved to the United States she sees the world different since it’s a new place. She then goes back to Iran and it’s under war and she can’t teach anymore since she got expelled. It is related to the novel in a big way since she has a lot of experience with her home country and her background of a hard life, how her mom died when she was young and her father put in jail. She was left alone. In the biographic article titled “Azar Nafisi” by Ed. Jeffrey W. Hunter he wrote a wonderful article on her struggles and her biographical of her young age and what she went through.

