
7年前 327次浏览 澳洲机械工程学代写ASSIGNMENT:大陆以前的知识已关闭评论

每个作者表现出高的偏见态度的国家而是思考他们对南亚次大陆以前的知识,随着时间的推移影响,当访问数量的增加,这种干扰他们的以前的知识,减少由于自己的个人意见,达到阈值后,开发了历史学家的角度。William Dalyrymple能够发展一个更广阔的视角,可以看到很多未得到奈保尔Theroux,很大程度上要归功于他的学术背景是一个历史学家。一两次访问对于了解任何国家的文化和传统都是不够的。它需要一个神话和民族的见证和再现一个国家社会知识动力学的密集的熟人。目前不能孤立存在的;它总是由过去,引导信仰、宗教、文学和传统。要明白,现在需要了解过去和过去的成形力的完整的体系结构,这不仅包括主要的个性和社会的小部落,但那些似乎不重要的人。来访和偏见之间存在着一种关系,这种关系成反比。因此,无论是在纸上看到无法真实表示的涂鸦,为几个月的任何国家不能停留在达到阈值足够。这一点指向翻译的主要缺点,也就是说,这些翻译是在给人们和他们的社会提供了一种观点之后。表示,不知何故需要大量的和深入的挖掘过去,使目前的意义。


Each of the author exhibits the high prejudiced approach towards the country but to elaborative affect of their previous knowledge about the subcontinent and over the course of time, when the number of visits increases this interference of their previous knowledge is reduced due to their own personal observations and this reaches a threshold after which the perspective of historian is developed. William Dalyrymple could develop a broader perspective and could see a lot which remains unrecognised by Naipaul and Theroux, owes a lot to his scholarly background of being a historian. One or two visits can never be sufficient for understanding the culture and tradition of any country. It requires an intensive acquaintance with the dynamics of myths and lores of the nation to witness and reproduce the society of one country. The present can never exist in isolation; it is always guided by the past, the belief, religions, lores and the tradition. To understand, the present one need to understand the past and the complete architectonics of the forming forces of the past, this does not only include the major personalities and societies but the small tribes and the people who otherwise seem to be unimportant. There exist a relation between visits and prejudices and this relation is inversely proportional. Therefore, scribbling on the paper whatever is seen can no way be authentic representation, as few months of stay in any country cannot be sufficient in reaching the threshold. This point towards the major fault of translations and that is, these translations are made after giving an ariel view to the people and their society. Representations, somehow needs much extensive and intensive digging of the past for making sense of present.

