
7年前 256次浏览 澳洲建设学论文代写:年轻人的手机形式已关闭评论



This technology indeed causes youth of today to like tech in the form of phones but also it causes harmful effects that stay with the youth throughout their lives. For example, depression and extreme isolation is evident in most of today's youth, this happens due to the lack of contact with people in their real lives other than virtual friends on Facebook. This happens often in institutions like social gatherings and when there is a pause or silence or you might feel awkward , in order to cope with it taking out your phone and using it without a purpose make us youth feel better than talking to a person right in front. Isolation then leads to Depression which then shows us that we lack human contact which includes physical exercise. Not exercising and staying home all day also adds obesity within you. This moreover relates to the reason why this happens and so it's because youth utilizing their time in video games, taking to friends online and mostly watching YouTube videos most of their day rather than studying or using their time effectively in other things which I think is known as studying.Face to face interaction between people has been reduced, resulting absence of social skills, which are needed in our daily lives. Through the media, for likely Hollywood movies we have seen how children get bullied in school by kids are more tougher than them but this still exists but bullying has taken another form in today's time , instead kids get bullied more likely through social media now. This is just simple as a kid posting a picture on instagram and then waiting for instant likes but less that he know instead of likes he gets bombarded my comments my his friends that how ugly he or she looks. This internal depression and pain within a kids mind affects them mentally which remains with them during their life span, just like a pavement, a part of like taking away apart life.

