
7年前 329次浏览 澳洲教育学Assignment代写:马来西亚独立已关闭评论

马来西亚独立以来已经走了很长的路。在日本占领,其次是由大英帝国殖民。经过多年的权力斗争和流血,马来西亚现在是52岁,增长以来,以此摆脱外国势力的控制。然而,独立不是马来西亚的最终目标。斗争的启发,我们的祖先、马来西亚渴望全球的认可作为一个发达国家以及世界地图上的地方。谁是领导马来西亚在实现这个梦想吗?答案肯定不是当前的领导人是人类有限的生命。值得一提的是引用我们的前总理阁下YAB吞拿督”Seri马哈蒂尔博士在最近的一个马来西亚Business Council)会议。他(马哈蒂尔博士)提到,大多数现在的议会成员将不会出现在1月1日上午,2020;相反,大量的工作都必须进行,以确保马来西亚作为一个高度发达的国家显然必须由目前这一代的青年。然而,当前的领导人不应该忽视他们的角色在指导他们(年轻人)以及奠定安全基础的年轻人将会建立.


Malaysia has come a long way since its independence. It has survived the Japanese occupation, followed by colonization by the British Empire. After years of power struggle and much bloodshed, Malaysia is now 52 years old and growing since it freed itself from the grip of foreign forces. However, independence was not the final objective of Malaysia. Inspired by the struggle of our forefathers, Malaysia craves for global recognition as a developed nation as well as a place on the world map. Who then is to lead Malaysia into achieving this particular dream? The answer is definitely not the current leaders as human is of finite life. It is worth mentioning a quote from our former premier, His Excellency YAB Tun Dato' Seri Dr Mahathir Mohamad during one of the recent Malaysian Business Council meetings. He (Dr. Mahathir) mentioned that most of the present council members will not be present on the morning of January 1, 2020; instead, the great bulk of work that must be carried out to ensure Malaysia as a fully developed nation will obviously have to be done by the present generation's youth. However, the current leaders should not neglect their role in guiding them (the youths) as well as lay the secure foundations that the youths will build upon

