
6年前 362次浏览 澳洲教育学代写assignment:展示你的小知识已关闭评论



The best way to show your Little that learning is important is to stimulate learning by doing activities that have learning lessons. Talk with your Little about the things that you read and hear. Tell them why you find it interesting and ask what they think about it. Ask your Little how they feel about various issues. Talk to them about their relationships, values or current events. Find out what hobbies they have and pursue them. Incorporate their hobbies and interests in the topics you discuss and the activities you plan. Pursue hobbies that you enjoy and talk to your Little about it. Ask your Little if they would like to learn about the things that interest you. Encourage your Little to have interests of their own. Support your Little with the hobbies they are currently involved in. If your Little talks about a new interest cultivate their passion. Expose your Little to a variety of experiences. Explore music, plays, sports, museums, games and ethnic activities.In the workplace, it is important to constantly grow and learn so that you can be competitive and productive in your profession. Individuals who have a love for learning have the ability to engage in problem solving much more fluently. Learning new ways to solve problems and address If you demonstrate excitement about learning then your Little will see how fun learning can be. Create fun learning experiences for your Little to engage in. When young people have a passion for learning they will constantly be curious about the world. As adults, it is important to be life long learners because many aspects of the adult world require thinking and learning. issues is often required in the workplace. When a young person truly has a passion for learning, they will be able to achieve any dream they have.

