
6年前 401次浏览 澳洲教育学代写论文:学生受教育程度已关闭评论



In the 1959 Crowther Report it states “that the extensive research that was commissioned confirmed earlier findings about the relationship between fathers’ occupational status and pupil’ educational attainment. The higher the father’s status, the greater the child’s chance of attending a grammar rather than a secondary modern school, though the occupational group ‘skilled manual workers’ was so large that their children were by far the largest single group in all types of school. It was argued that there was considerable ‘wastage’ of talent and much attention was paid to the ‘neglected educational territory’ of pupil who left school at 15 to follow craft or technical, rather than an academic career.” Mackinnon et al (1995:23). Parent’s social class has become a boundary within parental involvement within a child’s education, it is believed by some that if you are in a lower social class, you are more likely to fail, drop out and underachieve because that’s what is expected of them, also some parents from lower social class may feel intimidated by those parents from a higher social class. According to Douglas (1964) “working class parents do not value education. Parents who are most interested in their children’s education come mainly from the middle classes”. Parents from a lower social background may not have received a good education so they do not have the skills to help their children. Also parents from a lower social class may not be able to afford to take time of work to help out, as they need the money to live and provide for their children. Another boundary is gender. The words ‘Gender’ refers to the differences between men and women. Gender has been a big issue within education for many of years, in the 17th and 18th centuries education for girls was at a fairly low standard, but increased in the mid 19th century when all children has the right to attend school.. In the 17th and 118th centuries, education was only aimed for rich boys and young men and they were the only children allowed to go to school, while the girls and young women had to stay at home with their mother and do housework and look after their family. When females were allowed to attend school, females were not allowed to do many subjects from the curriculum. They had to learn needlework, etc.

