
5年前 364次浏览 澳洲教育学代写:宗教和教育已关闭评论



Non formal education has started at early years of the formation of Malaysia as a country especially during the expansion of Islam in Peninsular Malaya and the Malay islands in the 14th century (Abd. Hamid et al., 2003). Arabian and Indian traders who are Muslims came to the Southeast Asia and spread the knowledge about their religion to the local people (Abd. Hamid et al., 2003). At that time the existence of education institutions called “hut school” that is developed together by mutual cooperation among the communities and it is not considered as formal education yet. This is the starting point of the non formal education in Malaysia. During the British colonisation, the British administration formed five types of schooling which are Malay Vernacular School, Chinese Vernacular School, School Vernacular India, English Vernacular School and Religious School (Madrasa) (Abd. Hamid et al., 2003). These types of schools are formed as taking into consideration the political, economic, socio-cultural and religious. After few decades, the non formal education system has been changed along with the modernisation. Nowadays, non formal education has emphasis more on Skill Training Programmes such as Vocational Education, Engineering and Trading. The Malaysian government has built few vocational schools for the children that have more interest in skills related education rather than going to the school and learn things they do not like. At the tertiary level of education, Polytechnics are provided for those who want to complete Advanced Diploma, Diploma and Special Skills Certificate in skills-based programmes. The newest programme, the National Service Training Programme is established for youth community in Malaysia to develop patriotic, loyal and full with positive attitudes young generation for the future. It is also become a practice for the potential employees to do internship before starting the real job. There are still some religious talks, or campaigns about information that the society may need to know happening in Malaysia. For example, the campaigns about health care, recycle and many others are conducted to educate the society. All of these programmes are specially formed to teach values and knowledge that are not being taught in schools.

