
5年前 314次浏览 澳洲教育学代写作业:回顾性交叉研究已关闭评论

在一项研究中通过班纳特这位读者,纳西姆•Assefi”校本青少年怀孕预防项目:随机对照试验的系统评价”试图比较学校不唯禁欲性教育项目,专注于禁欲或青少年怀孕和青少年的性活动。贝内特和Assefi 19随机对照试验各种校本少女怀孕预防项目在美国,和十六个问题相关的结果,12个项目评估不唯禁欲,而三个评估禁欲项目和剩下的两个项目在他们的研究相比。这项研究的一个不足之处是,使用的大多数研究都没有直接询问受试者关于怀孕的问题,尽管其中一个使用的节欲加项目发现,实施节欲加项目前后的怀孕率没有差异。然而,不唯禁欲计划发现之间的正相关关系不唯禁欲计划的实现和使用的避孕套比的相关性相比更高的实例的实现禁欲项目和避孕套的使用,表明增加避孕和知识不唯禁欲计划实施时,可与此同时怀孕率下降。作者Marianne Chevrette和Haim Abenhaim在他们的文章《基于州的政策对美国的青少年出生率和青少年流产率有影响吗?在他们的研究中,他们对所有在2008年生过孩子的15岁至19岁的青少年进行了回顾性交叉研究,并根据各州的性教育政策对这些青少年进行了比较。28的五十个州要求教禁欲作为唯一或主要为了防止怀孕和传输率有所方法,在33个州,教育对避孕使用不在政策或不是在国家的性教育项目。在他们的研究中,发现了两个与青少年出生率相关的独立变量:无论哪个政党在该州占主导地位,以及该州白人青少年的比例。在共和党占多数、白人青少年比例较低的州,青少年生育率较高往往与之呈正相关。


In a study done by Sylvana Bennett and Nassim Assefi, “School-based teenage pregnancy prevention programs: a systematic review of randomized controlled trials” sought to compare school programs that either focused on abstinence-only or abstinence-plus sex education in terms of teenage pregnancy and rates of sexual activity among adolescents. Bennett and Assefi compared nineteen randomized controlled trials of various school-based teenaged pregnancy prevention programs in the United States, and from the sixteen that had relevant results to their question, twelve programs evaluated abstinence-plus, while three evaluated abstinence-only programs and the remaining compared both programs in their study. One weakness of this study is that most of the studies used did not ask the subjects directly about pregnancy, though one of the abstinence-plus programs used found that there were no difference in pregnancy rates before and after the program was implemented. However, abstinence-plus programs found a positive correlation between the implementation of abstinence-plus programs and usage of condoms at a higher instance than when compared to the correlation of the implementation of abstinence-only programs and condom usage, indicating an increase of contraceptive use and knowledge when abstinence-plus programs are implemented, which can be coincided with decreased pregnancy rates.Authors Marianne Chevrette and Haim Abenhaim performed a cross-sectional study on state-based policies on sex education and teenaged abortion rates in the United States in their article “Do State-Based Policies have an Impact on Teen Birth Rates and Teen Abortion Rates in the United States?.” In their study, they performed a retrospective cross study on all teenagers who were aged fifteen to nineteen who had a delivery in 2008 and compared the teens based on every state’s policy on how sex education is taught in that particular state. Twenty-eight out of fifty states are required to teach abstinence-only as either the only or main method in order to prevent pregnancy and STD-transmission, and in thirty-three states, education about contraceptive use either is not in policy or is not covered in the state’s sex education program at all. In their findings, two independent variables were identified to correlate with teen birth rates: whichever political party is dominant within the state, and the proportion of white teenagers populating the state. In states with more Republican dominance and a lower percentage of white teenagers tend to have a positive correlation with higher rates of teen births.

